The Big Mistake Business Leaders Make With AI (And How to Avoid It) – Daily Journal

After a few years of great excitement around the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to drive business results, many executives are now very eager to deploy the technology and have high expectations for what AI can deliver . Technology leaders hope AI can deliver everything from streamlining operations to revolutionary improvements in how the entire organization does business, and planned spending on AI is growing by 61 % this year, according to a new study. Business leaders must keep a firm grip on reality and temper their enthusiasm for AI with a grounded view of what the business actually needs from AI. Over the past couple of years, many companies have invested in AI only to find that their proofs of concept have not delivered results. Getting the right results from an investment in AI requires careful thought upfront, combined with careful attention to detail during the project itself.

The last two years have seen unprecedented technological hype around the potential of generative AI. So it’s all too easy to understand how a business leader might be tempted to ask their IT teams why they’re not using generative AI right now. The problem is that at these companies, neither the leaders swept up in a wave of enthusiasm for AI, nor their IT teams really know how AI can deliver business advantage. Before deploying AI, leaders need to be sure they are doing it for the right reasons (and not just to use it because their competitors are doing so).

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