Mortgage Questions and Answers: “Are your mortgage payments increasing?”
While this seems like a no-brainer question, it’s actually more complicated than it seems.
Do you see, There are a number of different reasons why mortgage payments may increaseregardless of the obvious change in interest rates. But let’s start with this and go from there.
And yes, even if you have a fixed-rate mortgage, your monthly payment can increase! You’re not out of the woods.
While this may seem like bad news, it’s good to know what’s coming so you can prepare accordingly.
Mortgage payments can increase with interest rate adjustments

- If you have an ARM, your monthly payment can go up or down
- This is possible every time it is modified, whether every six months or annually
- To avoid this payment surprise, simply choose a fixed-rate mortgage instead
- FRMs are actually priced pretty close to ARMs anyway, so it may be in your best interest to just stick with a 15- or 30-year fixed
Here’s the easy way. If you have an adjustable-rate mortgage, your mortgage rate has the ability to adjust up or down, as determined by interest rate caps.
It can move up or down once it becomes adjustable, which occurs after the initial teaser rate period has expired.
This change in rate can also occur periodically (every year or twice a year), and throughout the life of the loan (up to a certain maximum, such as 5% up or down).
For example, if you take out a 5/1 ARM, its first adjustment will occur in 60 months.
At that time, it can rise rather dramatically depending on the caps in place, which may be 1-2% higher than the starting rate.
So, if an ARM starts at 3%, it could jump to 5% at first adjustment. Or even higher!
For a loan amount of $300,000, we’re talking about a monthly payment increase of about $350. Oh!
Simply put, when your mortgage interest rate rises, your monthly mortgage payments increase. Pretty standard stuff here.
To avoid this potential pitfall, simply use a fixed-rate mortgage instead of an ARM and you’ll never have to worry about it.
You can also refinance your home loan before the first interest rate adjusts to another ARM. Or choose a fixed-rate mortgage instead.
Or simply sell your home before the adjustable period begins. Lots of options really.
I had a 5/1 ARM in 2017 and refinanced it to 30 years before the first adjustment. In hindsight, I’m very glad I made the switch.
Mortgage payments only increase when the interest period ends
- Your payment could also go up if you have an interest-only loan
- At that time the debt becomes fully amortizing, meaning principal and interest payments must be made
- It’s expensive because you’ve deferred interest for years beforehand
- This explains why these loans are less common today and are considered non-QM loans
Another common reason for increased mortgage payments is the expiration of the interest-only period. This was a common problem during the housing crisis of the early 2000s.
Typically, an interest-only home loan is fully amortized after 10 years.
In other words, after a decade, you won’t be able to make the interest-only payment.
You will have to make principal and interest payments to ensure that the loan balance is actually paid off.
And guess what – the fully amortized payment will be much higher than the interest-only payment, especially if you defer principal payments for the full 10 years.
Simply put, you’ll pay off the entire initial loan balance in 20 years instead of 30 years since nothing is paid off during the IO term.
This assumes the term of the loan was 30 years, because making interest-only payments means the original loan amount is left untouched.
This can result in a significant increase in monthly mortgage payments, forcing many borrowers to refinance their mortgages.
For example, a 3.5% mortgage with a loan amount of $300,000 would be $875 per month. After 10 years of making just this payment, your monthly income will jump to about $1,740. About double!
Just hope interest rates are favorable when that time comes otherwise you may be in for a rude awakening.
advice: This is a common setup for HELOCs, which offer an interest-only draw period followed by a fully amortizing redemption period.
Mortgage payments increase when taxes or insurance rise
- If your mortgage has an impound account, your total home payment may be higher
- An impound account requires homeowners insurance and property taxes to be paid monthly
- If these costs rise from year to year, your total payment may rise as well
- You will receive a warranty analysis annually to let you know if/when this will happen
Then there’s the issue of property taxes and homeowners insurance, assuming you have an impound account.
More recently, both have risen thanks to a rapid rise in real estate values and inflation. In California, many of them lost their insurance coverage, leading to massive price increases for the state’s FAIR plans.
Even if you have a fixed-rate mortgage, your mortgage payments could increase if the cost of property taxes and insurance rises and is included in your monthly housing payment.
And guess what, these costs tend to go up year after year, just like everything else.
Mortgage payment is often expressed using the abbreviation My housewhich stands for principal, interest, taxes and insurance.
With a fixed-rate mortgage, the amount of principal and interest will not change throughout the life of the loan. This is the good news.
However, there are instances where both homeowners insurance and property taxes can increase, although this only affects your mortgage payments if they are secured in an impound account.
Keep an eye out for the annual escrow analysis that explains how much money you have in your account, along with the expected cost of taxes and insurance for the coming year.
It might say something like “There is a shortfall in the escrow account,” and as such, your new payment would be X to cover that shortfall.
advice: You can usually choose to start a higher mortgage payment to cover the shortfall, or make a lump sum payment to boost your escrow account reserves so your monthly payment doesn’t change.
Your mortgage can go up once the buyout term is up
Here’s an additional (and topical) reason why your mortgage should be higher; Temporary purchase. This has grown very popular recently.
In fact, it peaked at 7.6% in December 2022, according to Freddie Mac, meaning many borrowers will soon face higher mortgage payments.
How it works is you get a reduced mortgage rate for the first one, two or three years. Your interest rate then reverts to the effective interest rate, which will be higher.
The discount can be 3% off in the first year, then 2% off in the second year, and 1% off in the third year. So, if your rate is 6%, it will be 3%, 4%, 5%, and finally 6%.
For the remaining 27 years of your loan term, a non-discounted rate of 6% applies. Obviously, this will result in higher mortgage payments for those years.
Of course, this is quite obvious and not surprising, so you should know exactly what you are getting into, unlike ARMs where adjustments are based on market uncertainty.
However, if you don’t set aside the necessary funds for the higher payment, it could result in an unwanted payment shock.
Be prepared to pay a higher mortgage amount
The takeaway here is Consider all housing costs Before deciding if you should buy a home. Make sure you know how much you can afford before you start looking for your property.
You’ll be surprised at how the costs add up once you factor in insurance, taxes, daily maintenance, along with the unexpected.
Fortunately, annual payment fluctuations related to escrows are likely to be minor compared to an interest rate reset or interest-only ARM expiration.
This amount is usually nominal because the difference is spread over 12 months and is not very large to begin with.
Although there have recently been reports of significant increases in property taxes and homeowners insurance premiums due to rising inflation.
So it’s still important to prepare and budget accordingly, as your housing payments will likely rise over time.
Meanwhile, mortgage payments have the potential to fall for a number of reasons as well, so it’s not all bad news.
And remember, thanks to friendly inflation, your monthly mortgage payments may look like a drop in the bucket a decade from now, while renters may not enjoy such payment relief.
Read more: When do mortgage payments start?