What are the foreclosure fees on a personal loan (detailed explanation) Daily Journal

Published on: August 05, 2024

Personal loans usually have a repayment period of 12 to 60 months or even longer in some cases. However, there may be times when the borrower decides to repay the loan before the end of this term. This process is commonly referred to as foreclosure, and involves settling the loan before its due date.

In this case, the lender may lose some of the interest income that the borrower would have had to pay over the original term of the loan. To compensate the lender for this loss of interest, borrowers are sometimes required to pay a foreclosure fee.

In this article, we’ll take a look at what a personal loan foreclosure is, its types, applicable fees, benefits and more.

What is personal loan foreclosure?

Personal loan foreclosure is the process of paying off the entire loan amount before the end of the loan term. This can be done after completing a specific insurance period, during which the regular monthly premiums are paid. While closing a loan may involve certain fees, it can also result in a significant reduction in the total interest paid over the life of the loan.

Types of mortgage on personal loans

There are two types of foreclosures on personal loans. These include:

The lender initiates a foreclosure:

The lender can initiate foreclosure when loan payments are irregular, or when the borrower defaults on equal monthly payments. The lender may also send a legal notice to the borrower to recover the outstanding loan amount.

Foreclosure on the initiative of the client:

A borrower can foreclose on a loan to become debt-free. If managed properly, this can be a financially sensible decision.

The foreclosure process on personal loans

If you want to close your personal loan before its due date, you can follow these steps:

  1. Discuss with your lender that you want to cancel your loan and fill out the required forms.
  2. Submit the necessary documents, including the original loan agreement, identity, and proof of income.
  3. Pay off the remaining loan balance along with any applicable penalties.
  4. Obtain a mortgage acknowledgment from the lender upon completion of the process.

Mortgage fees on personal loans

Most loans are repaid through equal monthly installments after you get the loan. Loan foreclosure involves paying the entire loan amount at once rather than in multiple equal monthly installments. You can opt for personal loan foreclosure if you have extra funds and want to cancel the EMIs. This allows for full repayment of the loan.

LoanTap charges a nominal fee of 4% of the principal amount owed plus applicable taxes if the loan is booked within 6 months of loan disbursement. However, after 6 months, you are not required to pay any foreclosure fees.

Advantages of rejecting a personal loan

Foreclosing on a personal loan can be beneficial in the long run. Here are some advantages of personal foreclosure:

Reduce debt burden

Personal loan foreclosure is an effective way to reduce your debt burden. By choosing to foreclose, you can use your additional savings or investments to pay off the loan early. This process legally terminates the contract between you and the lender before the end of the loan term, freeing you from any remaining loan obligations.

Saves the total interest

The longer the term of the loan, the more interest you will pay over time. By foreclosing early, you can save the overall interest amount.

Boost your credit score

A successful foreclosure can impact the loan positively Credit score By showing that you are able to manage and pay off debt responsibly.

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) guidelines on foreclosure charges on personal loans

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) guidelines on foreclosure fees for personal loans prohibit lenders from charging such fees on loans with variable interest rates. If you choose to repay your loan in full before the end of the term, a prepayment fee may apply. This foreclosure fee ranges from 2% to 6% of the remaining loan balance.


While prepaying a loan can result in significant interest savings, it is essential to weigh the interest against potential mortgage fees. Lenders typically charge these fees to recover lost income through interest, and the impact of these fees can vary based on the terms of the loan.

Therefore, it is important to review your loan agreement carefully. By understanding foreclosure fees and their implications, you can effectively strategize your repayment plan. Financial planning is an important process, determining when to foreclose Personal loan It should be aligned with your overall financial goals and priorities.

Frequently asked questions

How are mortgage fees calculated?

The foreclosure fee is calculated as a percentage of the remaining loan principal at the time of foreclosure.

What are the documents required to terminate the loan?

You generally need your loan statement, a foreclosure application form, and identification documents. Documentation requirements may vary by lender.

Is a partial prepayment the same as a mortgage?

No, partial prepayment involves paying off part of the loan before the loan term expires, while foreclosure means paying off the entire loan amount.

Can I cancel my loan online?

Some lenders allow foreclosures online through their websites or mobile apps, but this varies depending on the lender.

What happens if I cancel a personal loan before the end of the reservation period?

Some lenders impose a lock-in period during which you cannot foreclose on the loan, while others may charge a foreclosure fee

What should I consider before canceling my personal loan?

Before making a decision, consider foreclosure fees, your current financial situation, and the impact it will have on your credit score.

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